Thanks to all the staff and patrons of Kirlin’s Hallmark in Forsyth for their generosity during their “Owl Keep You Warm” inspirational “Notes to Self” sock drive campaign!
For the past few years, Kirlin’s has donated Hallmark cards to patients at Cancer Care Specialists to keep in touch with their friends and families. This year, Kirlin’s encouraged their customers to show their love and support by donating inspirational socks to anonymous cancer patients.
Over 175 pairs of socks had been reserved through donations as of June 21st, and donations were being collected through the end of June! Kirlin’s is wrapping up the campaign and will be delivering these special socks to Cancer Care Specialists of Illinois (CCSI) to distribute to treatment patients as soon as possible.
Daily we’re reminded of the kindness of others and these “Notes to Self” socks will be appreciated by many! A special thanks to each and every person who participated – and we look forward to hearing how each pair of socks inspired our patients!
Click to view more photos:
- CCSI Patient Services Coordinator Kelly with Gayle from Kirlin’s Hallmark at the main “Owl Keep You Warm” display at Hickory Point Mall in Forsyth.
- Kirlin’s Hallmark staff and manager (Gayle, Sally and Shelley) proudly sport “AWESOME” socks to encourage our community’s cancer survivors! “AWESOME”, “AMAZING” and “BEAUTIFUL” are just some of the messages woven into these inspirational “Notes to Self” socks. Each pair comes with a special message woven into the sock reminding one’s self that “I am Awesome,” “I am Amazing,” “My Cat Loves Me,” “I am Perfectly Me,” etc.
- Gayle and Sally (inner left and right) from Kirlin’s Hallmark “Owl Keep You Warm – Notes to Self” campaign gathering with Tricia and Kelly (outer left and right) from Cancer Care Specialists at the Forsyth store where customers donated inspirational socks for over 175 cancer patients! Kelly and Tricia will coordinate with CCSI physicians and staff to distribute these special inspirational socks to patients at Cancer Care Specialists.
- “Owl Keep You Warm” Main Display - close up
- “Owl Keep You Warm” Main Display
- “Notes to Self” Counter Display