MyChart Login
MyChart is your secure online health connection.
You can use MyChart to:
- Request an appointment with your doctor.
- View test results.
- Request prescription renewals.
- View information about a recent hospital stay including discharge instructions.
- Communicate electronically and securely with your medical care team.
- Pay bills online and much more.
Need Help? Phone: 217-877-9442
Business Office Hours: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm, Monday-Friday
- Forgot MyChart Username
- Forgot MyChart Password
- Sign Up for an Account
- Request an Activation Code
- Family Access – Ability to print proxy forms
- Mobile App FAQ’s
- Privacy Policy
MyChart Frequently Asked Questions
Enrollment Questions
What is MyChart?
MyChart offers patients personalized and secure on-line access to portions of their medical records. It enables you to securely use the Internet to help manage and receive information about your health.
With MyChart, you can use the Internet to:
- Request medical appointments.
- View your health summary from the MyChart electronic health record.
- View test results.
- Request prescription renewals.
- Access trusted health information resources.
- Communicate electronically and securely with your medical care team.
- Pay your medical bill.
Is there a fee to use MyChart?
MyChart is a free service offered to our patients.
How do I sign up?
Patients who wish to sign up for an MyChart account can sign up online by clicking on the Sign Up for an Account link. If you sign up online a code will be emailed to you. This code will enable you to login and create your own user ID and password. Patients can also get a MyChart activation code from their doctor’s office or after a hospital visit. If you already have an activation code, you can click on the Sign Up for an Account link to complete the registration process.
Is MyChart offered in all facilities?
MyChart is available in all Cancer Care Specialists of Illinois facilities.
Who do I contact if I have further questions about MyChart?
You may call our MyChart Call Center at:
- Cancer Care Specialists of Illinois – 217-877-9442
Who do I contact if I need information about our refund policy?
You may call the Business Office:
- Cancer Care Specialists of Illinois – 217-877-9442
Using MyChart
When can I see my test results in MyChart?
Your test results are released to your MyChart account after your physician has received them. This is generally within 3 days. Please note, some tests require more than 3 days to complete.
Why are certain test results not shared electronically via MyChart?
Your provider is able to determine which types of test results are able to be accessed through MyChart. Further, tests of a very sensitive nature are not released to MyChart.
If some of my health information on MyChart is not correct, what should I do?
Your MyChart information comes directly from your electronic medical record at your doctor’s office. Ask your doctor to correct any inaccurate information at your next office visit. Your health information is reviewed and updated in your electronic medical record each visit.
If I send a message to my doctor, when can I expect a reply?
You will generally receive an answer by the end of the next business day. MyChart is NOT to be used for urgent needs. For medical emergencies, please dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
Can I download a copy of my medical record?
Yes. You can download a portable copy of portions of your medical record that includes allergies, medications, current health issues, test results, and immunizations. This is called your Lucy record. You can download your Lucy record to a USB drive and take it with you to share with your other healthcare providers. Once you log in to MyChart with your username and password, this feature is available under the My Medical Record tab.
Can I make changes to my Allergy or Medication list?
Yes, you can make changes to both your Allergy and Medication list. These lists are found in the My Medical Record section of your MyChart account. If you want to remove a medication or allergy, click on the minus button found to the right of the item you wish to delete. If you want to add an allergy or medication, click on the plus button at the bottom of the list. Your doctor’s office will review your request before making the change.
MyChart For My Family
Can I view a family member’s health record in MyChart?
Yes you can. This is called Proxy access and allows a parent (or legal guardian) to log into their personal MyChart account, and then connect to information regarding their family member. Complete a Proxy Consent Form and return it to one of our medical facilities to request access to this convenient service.
Can I ask questions regarding a family member from my MyChart account?
MyChart offers direct access to your personal health record and communicating about another individual’s information would be placed in your health record. This information would not appear in the correct health record and could potentially jeopardize medical care.
Can my spouse and I share one MyChart account?
No, due to the sensitive nature of medical information, each adult must sign and submit a Release of Information request and establish their own MyChart account.
After I Have Enrolled
I forgot my password. What should I do?
You may contact our MyChart Call Center to request a new, secure password. You may also click the “Forgot password” link on the sign-in page to reset your password online.
- Cancer Care Specialists of Illinois – 217-877-9442
Can you send me a new access code as I have lost it, let it expire or did not receive it?
You may call our MyChart Call Center. After we verify your information we will email you a new code.
- Cancer Care Specialists of Illinois – 217-877-9442
Where can I update my personal information (e.g., home address, e-mail or change my password)?
Log into MyChart and from the top menu, go to the Preferences section and select the appropriate option.
How do I sign up for email or text message notifications to let me know when I have new information in MyChart?
Click on Preferences then Notifications. Here, you can choose to receive text message alerts in addition to email alerts. You may update your email address and/or mobile number when needed.
Bill Pay
Can I request an itemized statement online?
Itemized statements are not available online at this time. You may request a paper copy of your itemized statement from the billing office.
Can I pay with a check online?
At this time credit card payments (Visa, MasterCard, and Discover) are the only accepted payment methods online.
Why cant I pay my spouse’s or child’s account?
- Spouse: Adult patients are normally financially responsible for their own bill, so your spouse will be able to see and pay his or her own bills online through his or her own MyChart account. If your spouse does not have a MyChart account, he or she can sign up online.
- Child: Only the person who has been identified as financially responsible for the bill is able to see and pay bills online. This was setup the very first time your child was seen by one of our physicians or our hospital, and is typically the insurance holder. If you would like to be the financially responsible party, please ask the front desk staff to change this at your child’s next visit.
Why can’t I make a reoccurring payment?
This feature is not available online at this time.
How soon will my credit card payment post?
You should receive a payment confirmation notification immediately which will be sent your MyChart Inbox.
Can I have a receipt?
Once your payment confirmation notification is received in MyChart, you can print the page if you prefer a paper copy.
What if I do not see any Billing Account summary information once I log in?
That means currently there are no outstanding patient balances due at this time.
Can I pay my bill through the mobile app?
Yes, you can. You must first have an active MyChart account before you can use the mobile app. The app can be downloaded to any Apple or Android device.
- Download and install the free MyChart App.
- Run the MyChart App from your device.
- Select MyChart – Cancer Care Specialists of Illinois from the list of healthcare providers.
- Login with your MyChart Username and Password.
Why can’t I pay my other bills online?
You can only pay your hospital or office/clinic bills online through MyChart.
Technical Questions
How is MyChart secure?
We take great care to ensure your health information is kept private and secure. Access to information is controlled through secure access codes, personal ID’s, and passwords. Each person controls their password, and the account cannot be accessed without that password. Futher, MyChart uses the latest in industry-standard 128-bit SSL encryption technology with no caching to automatically encrypt your session with MyChart. Unlike conventional e-mail, all MyChart messaging is done while you are securely logged on to our website.
What is your privacy policy?
MyChart is owned and operated by MyChart®, Epic®, Powered by Epic and the MyChart logo are trademarks of Epic Systems Corporation and is fully compliant with federal and state laws pertaining to your privacy. Your name and e-mail address will be treated with the same care and privacy given your health records and will never be sold or leased by MyChart.
I was logged out of MyChart, what happened?
We aim to protect your privacy and security of your information. While logged into MyChart, if your keyboard remains idle for 15 minutes or more, you will be automatically logged out of MyChart. We recommend that you log out of your MyChart session if you need to leave your computer for even a short period of time.
What do I need to use MyChart?
You need access to a computer connected to the Internet and an up-to-date browser (such as Internet Explorer).
My access code does not work, what should I do?
If your MyChart access code is not working, please call our MyChart Call Center and someone will help you.
- Cancer Care Specialists of Illinois – 217-877-9442
Is my access code my user ID?
No, your access code is not your MyChart ID or password. You will use this code only once to log into MyChart for the first time. (The code will expire after you have used it or after 60 days). When you log into MyChart the first time, you will then be asked to create your own unique MyChart ID and password.